Hulin Library

This blog is committed to the spiritual legacy of my father, Rev. Charles J. Hulin III (1929-1999) and consists of his words and thoughts.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Endurance (1983)
". . . but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." (Matthew 10:22)

Have you ever endured:
soft breeze of a summer night . . .
silent descent of a winter snow . . .
stirring bars of patriotic music . . .
sentimental thoughts of yesteryear?

Of course you haven't. If anything, we bask in the haunting beauty of these. After all, we all know what the word "endure" means.

To "endure" is to face a struggle.

And Jesus intended this to be more than a word; it is rather a life style. If it becomes our life style, then our immortal souls will be saved, according to His words:
" . . . but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

To endure is to see :
torn lives . . .
twisted minds . . .
tangled nerves . . .
tarnished souls.

To endure is to hear:
tactless words . . .
trifling matters . . .
threatening wars . . .
troubling inconsistencies.

To endure is to feel:
treacherous relationships . . .
turbulent times . . .
tragic occurrences . . .
tormenting moments . . .
tempting allurements . . .
trying circumstances.

And either in spite of these or because of these, we are to remain:
serene in composure . . .
strong in conviction . . .
sincere in compassion . . .
steady in commitment . . .
stable in consistency.

Since we do not live in a vacuum we are thus affected by the times in which we live.
However, we can affect the times, and the secret is that of endurance.

No people of God will ever be satisfied without this challenge, and in our determination to endure there is:
A world to save . . .
A heaven to gain.



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